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MMJX-C系列 白米分级精选筛
发布时间:2014-7-18 浏览次数:1476
本设备是我公司近开发的(01253113.8)产 品,适用于碾米厂进行白米的分级精选。采用连续二次整米提取工艺,整米提取率高;采纳不堵孔筛格(ZL99245666.5),免于经常清理筛面;设置可拆卸前封板,便于清除筛体内糠粉粘结物。本机性能稳定,使用维修方便。

MMJX series plansifter for white rice grading and choiceness
These machinese are patent product(01235113.8)of our company opening up newly.it is used for white rice grading and choiceness in the rice grocessing factory.adopt the serial whole selecting cech nology.the extraction of whole rice are good;Adopt the patent (ZL99245666.5) of the sieve aperture that won't be plugged to avoid cleaning the sieve cove;set the knockdown front board to be convenient for cleaning the grume of the rice bran.The machinese.is good performance,convenient operation and easy maint enance.
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版权所有: 合肥市韩氏粮食机械设备有限公司
公司地址:安徽合肥高新铭传路与玉兰大道交口 咨询电话:15856950361 
